Women's Worship Night - February 23rd

Join us for our first Women’s Worship Night of 2025 on Sunday, February 23rd, at 6:00 PM in Parkway’s Fellowship Hall. We have wonderful activities going on for the kids while we meet together for our special time. Children K – 3rd grade will be in room E-207 for fun activities at the new Library Enrichment Center (LEC) launch party. Our 4th – 6th graders will join them after they meet together for Grapple. Registration has closed for nursery care for ages 0-4.

Ladies’ Bible Study Classes

Bible Study Changes

At Parkway, we know Bible study is life-transforming. We offer a variety of classes and course times so that you can discover God through the study of His Word. Every Wednesday, both morning and evening, ladies of all ages gather to study the Word of God together. Check out what’s new this fall!

Our Winter/Spring 202 Women’s Bible study class are going on now. The title of our study is “Songs of Joy.”

Come put a song in your heart as we walk through the Lyrics of Life written in the Psalms and learn how to practice true joy no matter the circumstance.  We’ll look at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God and learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God. We’ll learn how to Fight Back with Joy in every circumstance we face. And we’ll sprinkle some praise and worship songs in along the way to fill us with Songs of Joy.  

 Room F-206 – Teaching Team


We teach Precept classes here every Wednesday morning, August through May. Call the church office for more details. 615-865-2325.

Quilting Ministry Group

Every beautiful quilt has a story behind it–and so does the quilting ministry at Parkway.

“The idea for a quilters’ group began in the heart of the late Mrs. Betty Selby,” explains Parkway member Shirley Arnold. “This was back in 2006. Betty approached me about her idea of starting a quilters’ guild, but she didn’t know where she could have it.” Shirley offered Betty her basement as the meeting place, and that was the beginning of what has become a unique group of ladies: quilters who cover every quilt with prayer.


Missions Collage

International Women’s Friendship Group


We are excited to welcome you back or welcome you for the first time to our INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S FRIENDSHIP GROUP!

Join us every 2nd Monday at 10 AM, this winter and spring. Our 2025 meeting dates are: February 10th, March 10th, April 14th, and May 12th..

We get creative making crafts together, and we enjoy wonderful fellowship making new friends and sharing some great snacks. This is a place where international women who are new to our community and the U.S. can come and find friendship and a place they can belong!

We’d love to have you join us!

If you need childcare during our group meetings or if you need transportation to and from the group, please call our church office at 615-865-2325. We will make sure that we do everything possible to help you be able to come and enjoy this time of fellowship and fun with us!

For directions to Parkway, CLICK HERE.

Please park and enter the building at Door #10.

See What God Can Do Through You


9:00 AM – Sunday School
10:30 AM – Worship Service (also live streamed on Facebook)

Please see our special
Easter 2025 Schedule HERE.

5:00 PM – Fellowship Dinner
6:00 PM – Children & Youth Activities
6:00 PM  – Adult Bible Studies
6:00 PM – Prayer Connections


Church Office: 615-865-2325
Family Life Center: 615-865-6015
Prayer Line: 615-865-PRAY (7729)

Office Email: church@parkwaybc.net

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm


Copyright ® Parkway Baptist Church 2025. All rights reserved.