New Classes Begin January 8th!
in the What’s coming up on Wednesday nights at Parkway in the new year? Check out all the options available for you at our vibrant midweek gathering: Wednesday Night Recharge! We can’t wait to see you and your family! Our new lineup launches January 8th at 6:00 PM, following our fellowship dinner at 5:00 PM! Check out all the options below.

Prayer Connections
We come together to pray for those in our church family, our community, nation, and world. We also share personal needs and concerns, through “prayer and petition, presenting our requests to God with thanksgiving…” Join us in Fellowship Hall.
For Women: Songs of Joy
Come put a song in your heart as we walk through the Lyrics of Life written in the Psalms and learn how to practice true joy no matter the circumstance. We’ll look at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God and learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God. We’ll learn how to Fight Back with Joy in every circumstance we face. And we’ll sprinkle some praise and worship songs in along the way to fill us with Songs of Joy.
Room F-206 – Teaching Team
For Men: The Book of Matthew
Many Bible scholars believe that the book of Matthew is the most important document of the Christian faith. It connects the Old and New Testaments and introduces a king, the Lord Jesus, and His people, the church. The book of Matthew offers a unique look at the revolutionary life and words of Jesus, and shares His dynamic principles for becoming a faithful subject in the kingdom of God. Join us as we dive in to this important study! Room F-204 – Teacher: Rick Barkley
TeamKid and Children's Choirs
All children’s choirs now join TeamKid on Wednesdays. TeamKid will meet the first six weeks and complete two service projects. Choirs begin preparing for their Christmas musicals on October 9th
ESL Classes
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