Quilts Missions Collage

Quilting Ministry Group

Every beautiful quilt has a story behind it–and so does the quilting ministry at Parkway.

“The idea for a quilters’ group began in the heart of the late Mrs. Betty Selby,” explains Parkway member Shirley Arnold. “This was back in 2006. Betty approached me about her idea of starting a quilters’ guild, but she didn’t know where she could have it.” Shirley offered Betty her basement as the meeting place, and that was the beginning of what has become a unique group of ladies: quilters who cover every quilt with prayer.

RMH Quilt

Covered Up in Quilts

“We saturated the church with quilts!” Shirley laughs. Today the quilters present quilts or quilted throws every Christmas that are auctioned for the Lottie Moon International Missions offering. The quilting ministry has continued to expand in many ways far beyond the church walls–covering many more beds, families, and children with warmth, comfort, and love. Using their creative gifts and love for the craft of quilting, the quilters have a passion for ministry. Here is a sampling of just some of their efforts:

  • Quilts for beds at the Ronald McDonald house – The Ronald McDonald House is a temporary home-away-from home where families stay while children are being treated at a nearby hospital for cancer and other serious illnesses.
  • Quilts for local prison ministries
  • Over 150 child-sized quilts for the Linus Ministry, which provides handmade security blankets to seriously ill or traumatized children. “Our quilts have gone to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, St. Jude’s, and more,” says Shirley.

Quilts for the Hope Center

Once the Linus ministry was stocked up on quilts, the ladies began looking for someone else they could help. Someone suggested making quilts for the Hope Center. Through Bob and Becky Couts, former IMB missionaries and now Parkway members, the Hope Center was a ministry that was becoming dear to the church. The Hope Center ladies needed covers for their beds. Quilts were something they could use during their time at the Center and then carry with them once they were able to leave. “The ladies are so proud of them,” remarks Shirley. “These quilts are something beautiful that belong to them.” 

Blessed are the Piecemakers

While a few church members have made donations over the years, 99% of the funding for the quilting ministry has come from the quilters themselves. “We are a self-sufficient ministry, and we just do it because we love to quilt,” Shirley shares. “People ask us all the time, How do you pay for these quilts? Well, every week, each member puts in a dollar. That pays for our batting, the backing, and any extra material we might need. Our church members donate material, too.” Shirley says that right now, she has a closet that is packed full of material. “We can quilt from now until we die and not use it all!”

2021 Quilt

Learn to Quilt

Would you like to join this great community of quilters in Goodlettsville and learn to quilt? According to Shirley, you can learn to quilt even if you have no sewing background. “We’ll teach you!” she says. “We have fun, we really do–and soon you will live for Thursdays!”

The quilters meet every Thursday except for a summer break during the month of July and a holiday break from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. For more information, call the church office.

See What God Can Do Through You


9:00 AM – Sunday School
10:30 AM – Worship Service (also live streamed on Facebook)

Please see our special
Easter 2025 Schedule HERE.

5:00 PM – Fellowship Dinner
6:00 PM – Children & Youth Activities
6:00 PM  – Adult Bible Studies
6:00 PM – Prayer Connections


Church Office: 615-865-2325
Family Life Center: 615-865-6015
Prayer Line: 615-865-PRAY (7729)

Office Email: church@parkwaybc.net

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm


Copyright ® Parkway Baptist Church 2025. All rights reserved.