Becoming a Family Through Church
We would love to connect with you! Call, email, or better yet - just come by to visit us. The family feel at Parkway is something so unique that you need to experience it for yourself. We have something to offer for all ages on Sundays and Wednesdays. And with so many special events going on throughout the year we know you are going to love it here as soon as you walk in.
No matter where you are in your life, and for whatever you may be going through, we are here to come along side you. Please stop in for a visit to experience God's love in action.
Plan a Visit
We would love for you to come visit us! We truly have something for everyone and we are here to serve you however we can. Come and experience the Parkway family yourself!
Service Times:
Wednesdays:5:00 PM – Fellowship Dinner6:00 PM – Children & Youth Activities & Adult Bible Studies & Praying Together
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." 1 Timothy 6:18
Weekend Services
Wednesday Evenings
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Join Our Community
Easter Egg hunt, games, and food for the whole family. We hope you’ll join us for Parkway’s annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 13th, at Parkway–rain or shine! This event is for all children, birth through 6th grade.…
Join Parkway men of all ages for breakfast at Cracker Barrel (in Goodlettsville) every 1st Tuesday at 8:00 AM.
Our church renovation continues in our sanctuary and church foyer. This will require us to use the FLC entrance during the week, Monday through Friday, to gain access to the building. Construction will be ongoing until the work is…